Hearing Health Series: Part Two

Welcome to Part Two of my four-part series addressing the process from beginning to end of assessing and treating hearing loss.

In part two, we’ll look at what to expect during your hearing evaluation. But it’s more than that; I’ll also arm you with vital knowledge to be confident in selecting and trusting your audiologist before making the life-changing, and pricy, decision to purchase hearing aids.

Again, I want to point out one thing. It’ll take you almost another month to discover the process and secrets of successful treatment of hearing health through these blogs. OR you can expedite the process and actually experience it firsthand before I can publish part three by calling me today!

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Appointments, Alternative Services, COVID-19 Danielle Cummings Appointments, Alternative Services, COVID-19 Danielle Cummings

3 Ways Teleaudiology Will Improve Your Life

Now you may still be cringing at the idea and reluctant to entertain the thought of figuring out how to actually use technology in this way, but let me assure you, it’s easier than it seems. And if you try it, well, you might just like it.

My business model for the last 17 years has been all about serving you in your hearing place. Getting to interact with you while assessing your hearing needs is the highlight of the job for me and I know the feeling is mutual. Social distancing has stolen this joy from us - Lord willing it will be short-lived.

But I have to admit, being forced into the 21st century’s technology has been a game-changer for me personally and professionally. Humor me a moment and I’ll show you why I think you might just come to embrace it too.

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